by Pr. Mahajan


Monday 27 September 2021

Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing.

Cost Effective :

Traditional marketing media like news paper, banners, television ads. It Costs lots of money and effort.While big business can spend millions for marketing and advertising, this may be an unbearable nightmare for small business. On the other hand Online Marketing is something even young entrepreneurs can afford. Marketing via digital platforms offers a more affordable alternative to traditional marketing methods. They create much more impact yet costs less. 

Targeted Audience :

In traditional marketing marketers run ads. over a platform with substantial reach with the hope that few people who Love what they see, hear & read will make a positive approach. On the other hand marketing over digital platforms allows for targeted campaigning where ads are presented to customers based on their preferences. Marketing over digital platforms helps to increase sales as well as cut down the Cost of marketing. Getting a chance to run targeted marketing campaigns at large scale is one of the greatest opportunities available on online marketing. Targeted audience is one of the crucial advantages of digital marketing.

Wide Reach :

This is another dynamic where traditional marketing can't compare to digital marketing. Unless you are spending millions of dollars on advertising. It is practically next to impossible to reach world wide by traditional methods. Through digital marketing you can pinpoint the exact amount of people you are targeting. There are lots of stories available on the internet of Start-ups that become successful over a small period of time due to opportunities created by the global nature of marketing via digital platforms.

Brand Development :

A well developed website , a blog featuring quality and useful articles, and social media channels are some of the ways by which a business can build its brand . Business can use this platform to build their company's brand & reputation. In news paper you will get  limited space & frequency of advertisement. On the other hand you can have the whole website instead of a column in the newspaper. You can update things whenever you want ones you own a blog or page on social media. With this space , you can build consistent image for your company. This is some things traditional methods can not  give you. And this will also help in branding your business.

Greater Engagement with Customers :

The cyber world is getting wider day by day and any product or service that your business is offering is most likely also being offered by thousands of other businesses. When visitors do not find immediately what they are looking for , they will leave for an alternative. 

The idea is to hold the attention of your customers for long as possible while building a credible reputation. With traditional marketing you can not really interact with your targeted audience. You need to wait out for a response to come in before you can plan your next step. Not only does digital marketing serve as a direct pipeline of communication with your loyal customers but you can also evaluate their engagement in real time. Online marketing allows you to engage audiences in real time.

Quick publicity :

Due to real time results of online marketing you can get instant publicity. If you don't, you atleast instantly know that this particular ad isn't working for you.

Easy to Share :

Most digital marketing channels feature sharing capabilities that allow campaigns and articles to be shared with multiple followers. This helps to create a multiplier effect and has the capacity to tremendously improve sales results.

Huge return on Investment :

Digital marketing offers a substantial return on small investment. Nothing matters more to a business than the return on investment they make. Email marketer or social media ad. campaign cost little when compared to traditional marketing techniques.

High Conversion Rate :

Due to such personalisation and customisation in digital techniques people feel resonated with the product/service that the company offers. It leads to high lead generation and conversion.

24/7 Marketing :

On digital platforms marketing campaigns run 24/7. Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing does not constrain you with opening hours. At the same time you don't have to worry about overtime pay for your staff. Furthermore, customers can look for your product at their most convenient time.

Time Effective marketing :

Unlike traditional marketing , digital marketing is easy to start and quick to implement. You can easily set up marketing campaigns at any time that is convenient for you.

Data Collection :

After every digital marketing campaign and transaction through the internet lets, you collect data easily about your campaigns. It will help your next digital marketing campaigns. Whenever a purchaser purchases something through your website, you get his or her data very clear. The data collected can also assist to divide the segment of customers so your business can post advertisements and promotional materials based on their interests.

Connect with Mobile Customers:

Today, most of the people are using smartphones and using the internet on their smartphone so you just can't neglect the numbers of smartphone users. All of them should be your target customer if you want to develop your business across the world. It is not the same as sending SMS and making calls. It is fully about using the most outstanding applications that an enormous number of Smartphone users use. You can advertise advertisements to promote your products and services.

Diversified Marketing and Advertising :

When targeting your audience, diversification plays an important role in your marketing campaigns. Diversification means that you can use a variety of tactics and strategies in order to reach your prospects. With online marketing, diversification becomes a lot easier. In addition to that, it is possible for you to run various marketing techniques simultaneously to better implement your marketing campaign.


Not only does marketing over digital platforms allow campaigns to be targeted at specific customers, it also allows for customer segmentation. Segmentation is the process in which large customer groups are further broken down into smaller groups of customers according to a particular classification. Segmentation increases the chances of sales, as well as cut down on cost.

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